Top 66+ Research Topics for High School Students

Angelina Robinson

A research paper is an expanded essay that presents an author’s interpretation or argument on a topic, supported by evidence from research. Research papers are common assignments for high school students as they help develop critical thinking and writing skills. Choosing an interesting and manageable topic is an important first step. 

Here is an expanded explanation of the research paper guide using simple language:

What is a research paper?

A research paper is a longer essay where you study and write about a topic by doing research. High school students often have to write research papers. These papers help you learn how to think critically, find good sources, and write well-organized essays.  

How do you pick a good topic?

Choosing a good topic is very important. Pick a topic you find interesting so researching and writing about it is fun, not boring. Don’t pick topics too broad like “Animals” or too narrow like “History of My Town.” Try to find a middle – a focused topic big enough to write about but not so big you can’t research it.

Make sure you can find sources about the topic, especially using your school library. And pick a topic that makes you think and analyze, not just describe basic facts. Ask your teacher if your ideas are good topics. Read samples of research papers for inspiration. Connecting the topic to your town makes it more fun.  

How do you research and write the paper?

First, turn your topic into a research question or argument. This gives direction to your research and writing. Do research to find evidence like facts, examples, quotes to support your question or argument. Use reliable sources like science journals, articles, books. Cite your sources properly. 

Your paper should have an introduction, body paragraphs about points with evidence, and a conclusion. The introduction explains the topic and your argument or research question. Body paragraphs focus on separate main points and evidence. The conclusion sums up your main points. Use simple writing and explain your research clearly. Following these steps will help you write a great research paper!

Here are some potential research topics for high school students, organized by field:

Science Topics

Here are 10 science research paper topics for high school students explained in more detail:

1. Effects of climate change on plant growth

This paper could examine how rising global temperatures, changes in precipitation, and increased CO2 levels impact the growth rates and productivity of major crop plants such as soybeans, wheat, and rice. Students can design experiments to test how factors like water availability, temperature, and CO2 levels affect plant germination, height, leaf number, or crop yield.

2. Testing water quality of local lakes and rivers 

Students can collect water samples from nearby freshwater sources and perform tests to analyze levels of pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, temperature, phosphates, nitrates, and chlorine. They can research how these levels indicate water pollution and the effects on ecosystems and human health.

3. How diet impacts brain development in teenagers

This paper can explore how nutrition affects cognitive functions like memory, attention, and problem solving in adolescents. Students can research key nutrients for brain health like omega-3s, antioxidants, and vitamins B and D. They can also design surveys to correlate teens’ dietary habits with academic performance.

4. Benefits and risks of genetic engineering

Researching major achievements in genetic engineering alongside ethical concerns would allow students to construct an informed argument about this technology. Useful sources include scientific reviews of CRISPR applications for disease treatment or genetically modified crops. 

5. Effectiveness of different battery technologies for electric vehicles

Students can compare lithium-ion, nickel-metal hydride, and lead acid batteries in terms of cost, charge capacity, durability, and environmental impact. They can also research innovations like solid-state lithium batteries to evaluate future electric vehicle battery technologies.

6. Causes and impacts of deforestation in the Amazon

This paper could analyze rates of Amazon deforestation, the main drivers like agriculture and logging, and the wide-ranging effects on biodiversity, climate, indigenous communities, and more. Students can evaluate past and current deforestation reduction policies.

7. Benefits of space exploration and technology

Examining NASA technologies like satellite imagery, water purification systems, and innovations inspired by space travel could reveal the societal benefits of investment in space programs versus the costs. Students can also compare public and private space initiatives.

8. Renewable energy sources – costs, potential, and challenges

Researching solar, wind, geothermal, biomass, and hydropower can give students a comprehensive look at alternatives to fossil fuels. Comparing the costs, scalability, and reliability of different sources can inform discussions about optimal energy solutions.

9. Using DNA technology to solve crimes 

This paper explores how forensic DNA analysis has revolutionized criminal investigations through techniques like DNA fingerprinting, DNA databases, and genetic genealogy searches. Students can also debate associated privacy concerns.

10. Impacts of microplastics pollution in the oceans

Investigating the levels, movement, ecological impacts, and health effects of microplastics demonstrates the scale of this environmental problem. Students can also evaluate solutions like plastic product bans, biodegradable materials, or cleanup technologies.

Social Studies Topics 

Here are 10 social studies research paper topics for high school students explained in more detail:

1. How social media affects mental health in teens

This paper can explore correlations between social media usage and mental health issues like anxiety, depression, loneliness, and self-esteem among teenagers. Students can research statistics, conduct surveys of their peers, and examine the impacts of cyberbullying, social comparison, and addiction. 

2. Causes of rising college tuition costs 

Examining factors like state budget cuts, administrative bloat, amenities arms races, and the availability of loans and financial aid can shed light on the increasing unaffordability of college. Students can also compare costs at different types of higher education institutions.

3. Impact of sports participation on academic performance

Students can research statistics correlating involvement in team or individual sports with GPAs, standardized test scores, educational attainment levels, cognitive abilities, and more. The paper can analyze potential explanations like time management skills and social benefits.

4. Effects of standardized testing on education quality

This paper can debate the merits and drawbacks of assessment methods like high-stakes statewide exams, Advanced Placement tests, and the SAT/ACT, analyzing impacts on curriculum, teacher effectiveness, student anxiety levels, and equality in education.

5. Causes and impacts of mass incarceration

Researching racial disparities, mandatory minimums, the War on Drugs, private prisons, and recidivism rates can illuminate the scale and effects of mass incarceration on families, communities, racial minorities, and public budgets.

6. Media representation of gender roles and stereotypes

Analyzing portrayals of men and women in TV, movies, advertisements, music, magazines, video games, and news media highlights how societal expectations of gender are reinforced and potentially harmful.

7. The influence of rap and hip hop music on culture

This paper can trace the origins and evolution of rap, its themes of social protest, its impacts on styles of dance, fashion, slang, and more. Students can also examine criticisms and defenses of rap as poetry and social commentary.

8. The causes and impacts of poverty in the developing world

Researching root causes like colonization, global trade rules, debt, corruption, and food distribution challenges provides context on poverty in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean. The impacts on health, education, women’s rights, the environment, and economies can also be examined.

9. The effectiveness of economic sanctions as a tool of foreign policy

Students can choose case studies like sanctions on South Africa, Iran, or Russia to assess whether restricting trade and finance achieves political goals like deterring aggression or human rights abuses without hurting civilians disproportionately. 

10. The pros and cons of social media activism

This paper can evaluate both the benefits of using platforms like Facebook and Twitter to raise awareness, organize movements, and demand change quickly, as well as potential drawbacks like slacktivism, misinformation, and lack of leadership.

Literature Topics

Here are 10 literature research paper topics for high school students explained in more detail using simple language:

1. How Shakespeare presents women in his plays

Students can look at how female characters like Lady Macbeth, Juliet, and Cleopatra are portrayed in Shakespeare’s works. They can compare how women are shown as ambitious, intelligent, and powerful within the limits of Elizabethan society.

2. Symbolism in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald 

The green light, valley of ashes, eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg, and colors yellow and white are important symbols. Students can analyze how these symbols represent ideas like hopes, corruption, social class, and innocence.

3. Analyzing Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird

Students can discuss Atticus’s morals, integrity, empowering his kids, commitment to justice and equality, and courage against racism as a lawyer and father in 1930s Alabama.

4. Fate vs. free will in Oedipus Rex 

This paper can debate whether characters have free will or if fate controls everything. Students can evaluate Greek perspectives on prophecy, arrogance, and human agency.

5. Coming-of-age in Catcher in the Rye and Huckleberry Finn

This paper can compare the youthful main characters in 20th century New York and antebellum America as they face moral choices and mature. 

6. Gothic elements in Poe’s short stories

Students can identify Gothic features like creepy settings, supernatural events, madness, and doubles in Poe’s stories like “The Fall of the House of Usher” and “The Tell-Tale Heart.”

7. Satire in Animal Farm by George Orwell

Students can discuss how Orwell uses funny critique and talking animals to condemn totalitarianism and dictatorship.

8. Anti-colonialism in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe 

Students can analyze how the novel shows Nigerian tribal life and the damaging impact of British colonialism to highlight cultural conflict and oppression.

9. Comparing dystopian worlds in Brave New World and 1984 

Contrasting the repressive societies in these novels raises debates about technology, freedom, and humanity.

10. Human nature in Lord of the Flies

This novel strands schoolboys on an island where they descend into savagery, which students can analyze to discuss truths about dark aspects of human nature.


Here are 10 music research paper topics for high school students explained in more detail using simple language:

1. How music genre choice reflects personality

Students can discuss how musical preferences for genres like pop, rock, hip hop, jazz, or country correlate with specific personality traits, values, interests, and thinking styles.

2. Origins and history of rock and roll music 

This paper can trace the evolution of rock music from its roots in blues, jazz, gospel, and folk to pioneers like Chuck Berry, Elvis, and the Beatles through the many subgenres today.

3. The power and popularity of rap/hip hop music

Students can analyze rap’s origins, social themes, huge commercial success, impacts on culture, dance, fashion, and controversy over lyrics.

4. The role of music in social movements and protests 

From civil rights to anti-war and feminist movements, research shows how activists have used folk, rock, and hip hop music to express ideals, build solidarity, and energize efforts.

5. Movie soundtracks and their key features

The paper can study how soundtracks help establish mood, underscore themes, identify characters/places, and cue emotions in types of films from action to dramas.

6. How online streaming is transforming the music industry 

Students can detail how services like Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube have impacted how music is accessed, consumed, marketed, and profited from.

7. Health impacts, good and bad, of music

Research shows music can benefit mental health, empower exercise, help Alzheimer’s patients, yet also potentially cause hearing loss or encourage risky behavior.

8. The evolution and components of jazz music

From its African roots to swing, bebop, fusion, and avant-garde, this paper can trace jazz history and discuss rhythms, improvisation, instruments, and iconic performers.

9. The influence and elements of gospel music

Students can research gospel music’s origins in spirituals, its themes of overcoming adversity, elements like vocals, repetition, percussion, and its lasting cultural influence.

10. The psychology of music preferences and memories

Why is music tied to memory? How does it activate brain areas related to emotion and motivation? What makes some music pleasurable and meaningful? These questions can guide an insightful paper.


Here are 10 government research paper topics for high school students explained in more detail using simple language:

1. Pros and cons of the electoral college system

Students can outline how the electoral college works, its intended role, and debate the arguments for and against keeping it versus switching to a popular vote system.

2. The impact of media and social media on politics

This paper can analyze how traditional news media like newspapers, radio, and TV along with social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter shape political narratives, campaigns, and voter beliefs.

3. How lobbyists, PACs, and special interest groups influence government 

Students can explain lobbying tactics, campaign contributions, and the largely unregulated role of special interests in influencing legislation around issues like healthcare, gun rights, abortion etc.

4. The benefits and disadvantages of term limits for politicians

Research shows reasonable arguments on both sides of whether restricting terms with laws forces turnover vs. depriving the government of experienced lawmakers. 

5. The process of how a bill becomes a law

This step-by-step paper outlines how proposed legislation must pass through committees, votes, and revisions in both House and Senate to reach the President’s desk for final approval.

6. Comparison of different forms of government

Students can contrast presidential, parliamentary, communist, dictatorships etc. in terms of division of power, elections, public participation, efficiency, and representation.

7. The impact of landmark Supreme Court cases 

Analyzing influential rulings on issues like abortion, civil rights, presidential powers, free speech etc. shows how the Court has shaped laws, norms, and policies.

8. Debating the benefits and problems of federalism

Students can outline the U.S. division of power between national and state governments and evaluate merits like local autonomy vs. complexity.

9. The roles and responsibilities of key members of government

Profiles of figures like the President, Speaker of the House, Senate Majority Leader, Cabinet members and their respective duties provide insight on how the government functions. 

10. The constitutional rights and civil liberties of U.S. citizens

Explaining the protections enshrined for individuals in the Bill of Rights and subsequent amendments provides a foundational understanding of freedom and democracy.

Other Fields for Research Topics for High School Students

Here are 10 additional research paper topic ideas from various fields explained in more detail for high school students:

1. The benefits and risks of artificial intelligence

Students can research how AI is used in areas like medicine, transportation, finance and examine concerns about privacy, bias, and automation’s impact on jobs.

2. The science and ethics of animal cloning

This paper can outline the cloning process, successes in animals like Dolly the sheep, purposes like preserving endangered species, and moral debate.

3. The popularity and risks of online gambling

Students can discuss the rise of internet casinos, fantasy sports betting, ease of access, potential for addiction, underage gambling problems.

4. The causes and impacts of homelessness

Researching systemic factors like lack of affordable housing, mental illness, unemployment, poverty, and addiction provides context on this social problem.

5. The effects of standardized beauty standards in media

Analyzing the promotion of thinness, whiteness, and conventional beauty in ads, magazines, TV, and social media reveals harmful impacts on body image, self-esteem, and mental health.

6. The benefits and concerns of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Students can research how GMOs boost food production yet spark worries about corporate control, human health impacts, and harm to ecosystems. Both sides are explained.

7. The myths and realities of hypnosis

This paper can separate fact from fiction on hypnosis – what it can and can’t do, its ability to enhance focus, manage pain, break habits when properly applied.

8. Impacts of youth participation in competitive sports

Research shows physical, social and mental benefits of youth sports alongside risks like injuries, burnout, and hypercompetitiveness requiring careful management.

9. The effects of regular meditation on mental and physical health

Students can analyze evidence that meditation can lower stress, improve focus, reduce anxiety, pain, blood pressure but requires training for real benefits. 

10. The benefits and challenges of urbanization

Examining the shift towards city living explores positive impacts like economic growth and access to services along with strains on resources and infrastructure.

The research process involves formulating a thesis statement, conducting research to find supporting evidence from books, academic journals, surveys, or experiments, then presenting and analyzing the evidence in an organized paper with proper citations. The paper should have an introduction, body paragraphs focused on separate points, and a conclusion. Using this process, high school students can explore complex topics through research papers.

Here is some additional information to expand on the research paper topics and process for high school students:


The introduction should grab the reader’s attention and provide background context and information about the topic. It states the thesis statement which is the main argument or purpose of the paper. The thesis helps guide the structure and content of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs present the evidence and analysis that supports the thesis statement. Each paragraph should focus on one main idea or piece of evidence that relates back to the thesis. For example, for a paper about the impacts of climate change, one paragraph could discuss evidence of rising global temperatures, while another explains how drought conditions affect crop yields. Use quotes, facts, examples and citations to support the points.


The conclusion summarizes the main arguments and evidence covered in the essay. It reinforces the thesis without simply repeating previous points. The conclusion may also discuss the implications of the research and analysis presented and connect back to the bigger picture context framed in the introduction. 

Research Sources 

Research papers require credible sources to provide facts, statistics, perspectives, and other evidence. Reliable sources include scientific journals, academic books, newspaper articles, studies by reputable organizations, and primary texts like novels or historical documents. Students should evaluate the credibility of internet sources carefully.

Citation Styles

When citing sources, students should follow a standard citation format like MLA or APA. In-text citations give credit to sources used within the paper, while the references or works cited page lists full publication details. Proper citation helps avoid plagiarism.

Following this format and using solid research practices will help high school students write effective, informative research papers! Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

How to choose good research paper topics as a high school student?

Here are some tips in simple terms for choosing good research paper topics as a high school student:

1. Pick a topic you find interesting! Research is more fun when you care about the topic. 

2. Don’t pick topics that are too broad like “World War II” or too narrow like “Life of Ants”. Try to find a middle ground.

3. Make sure you can find enough sources and information on the topic, especially using resources you have access to like your school library.

4. Avoid topics that are boring or have a very obvious simple answer. Choose something that requires thinking and analysis.

5. Pick a topic you can handle for the length of your research paper. Don’t choose topics better suited for super long books.

6. Present your topic as a question you want to answer or an argument you want to make. This gives direction to your research and writing.

7. Ask your teacher if the topics you are considering seem like good options. Get their input and guidance. 

8. Look at examples of good research paper topics to get ideas. Note which structures and scopes work.

9. Connecting your topic to your local area can make it more relevant and meaningful to you.

10. Steer clear of topics that are too controversial, emotional or personal. Research works best when you stay objective.

Choosing a research topic takes time and thought. Use these tips as a checklist to help find a topic to dive into for a great paper! Let me know if you need any clarification or have additional questions.

Wrapping Up

What makes a difference in the attractiveness and success of a final paper is finding an appropriate topic for research. In terms of choice, you must first look for something about which you feel curious and want to know more. This way, as I have said earlier, you will be involved in its writing till it ends well. Conversely, if your choice borders on boredom then it becomes tedious to write such a paper.

Moreover, topics that are too wide or too narrow should be avoided. For instance, while very broad subjects will require an extensive treatment beyond what a high school research paper might encompass ed; on the other hand ultra-specific ones can be difficult to find enough resource material to address all requirements necessary in the instruction. Look for a middle ground – a more focused topic with enough complexity to be intriguing but not so specific that you’ll struggle to find information. Also, examine whether adequate resources are accessible for the topic you want to explore, especially if limited to your school library’s offerings. 

When considering topics, choose something with academic merit that requires real analysis rather than a self-evident or simplistic subject. Present the topic as a research question or debatable argument to provide direction. Run ideas by teachers to get their input on feasibility and appeal. Reading sample research papers can generate effective topic ideas as well. Connecting topics to your local community can increase engagement. And remember to avoid emotional or controversial subjects that compromise objectivity. Taking the time to carefully select a research topic using these guidelines will pay dividends when it comes to writing an insightful, high-quality paper.

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About the author

Hi, I’m Emmy Williamson! With over 20 years in IT, I’ve enjoyed sharing project ideas and research on my blog to make learning fun and easy.

So, my blogging story started when I met my friend Angelina Robinson. We hit it off and decided to team up. Now, in our 50s, we've made to share what we know with the world. My thing? Making tricky topics simple and exciting.

Come join me on this journey of discovery and learning. Let's see what cool stuff we can find!

About the author

Hey, it's Angelina Robinson! If you're confused by Excel, don't worry, I've got your back. I've spent years mastering it, and I want to help you make the most of it.

I got into Excel because I was fascinated by everything it can do. Now, I help people and companies use it better for their work.

So, my blogging story started when I met my friend Angelina Robinson. We hit it off and decided to team up. Now, in our 50s, we've made to share what we know with the world. My thing? Making tricky topics simple and exciting.

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