15+ Innovative NLP Project Ideas For Every Level + PDF

Emmy Williamson

15+ Innovative NLP Project Ideas For Every Level + PDF

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a fancy term for teaching computers to understand and work with human language. It’s like giving them the ability to read, interpret, and even talk like us! NLP combines computer science, linguistics (the study of language), and artificial intelligence (AI) to make this happen. 

Imagine your computer being able to chat with you like a friend or translate languages in the blink of an eye. That’s the magic of NLP!

This list of NLP project ideas opens up a world of possibilities for anyone interested in experimenting with language and technology. 

Whether you’re just starting out or already a pro, there’s something here for everyone. Let’s dive in and discover the exciting projects waiting for you in the realm of NLP!

Skills Required to Become an NLP Engineer

  1. Deep Learning Frameworks: Be comfortable using at least one popular deep learning framework like PyTorch or TensorFlow to implement NLP techniques.
  2. Machine Learning Knowledge: Have a solid understanding of commonly used machine learning and deep learning algorithms.
  3. Statistical Techniques: Understand statistical methods to measure and interpret the results of NLP algorithms.
  4. Cloud Platforms: Have hands-on experience with cloud-based platforms such as AWS or Azure.
  5. NLP Experience: Previous experience with NLP algorithms is a plus.
  6. Data Insights: Use natural language data to draw conclusions that can drive business growth.
  7. Application Design: Design NLP-based applications to address customer needs.

15+ Innovative NLP Project Ideas For Every Level

Here is the list of more than 15 innovative NLP project ideas for every level which are mentioned below:

Top 5 NLP Project Ideas For Beginners

1. Autocorrect Feature Using NLTK in Python

This project aims to create an autocorrect feature using the NLTK library in Python. Autocorrect automatically corrects misspelled words in applications like word processors and messaging apps.


  • Basic Python programming knowledge
  • Understanding of the NLTK library
  • Text corpus for training


  1. Get Data: Use pre-existing text corpora in NLTK or collect your own dataset of correctly spelled words and their common misspellings.
  2. Prepare Data: Clean the text data by removing unnecessary characters, converting to lowercase, and tokenizing the words.
  3. Build Model: Use NLTK’s edit distance functions or other string similarity measures to suggest corrections for misspelled words.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model on the dataset and test its performance on a separate test set or real-world examples.
  5. Use Your Model: Integrate the feature into an application where users can input text and receive correction suggestions.


2. Extracting Important Keywords from Text with TF-IDF

This project focuses on extracting important keywords from text documents using the TF-IDF algorithm. Identifying key phrases helps in summarization and information retrieval.


  • Basic Python programming knowledge
  • Understanding of TF-IDF
  • Text corpus or documents for analysis


  1. Get Data: Gather a collection of text documents or use a publicly available dataset.
  2. Prepare Data: Clean the text by removing stopwords, punctuation, and performing tokenization and stemming/lemmatization.
  3. Build Model: Use Python libraries like scikit-learn or NLTK to calculate TF-IDF scores.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model on the dataset and evaluate its performance by comparing extracted keywords with manually labeled data.
  5. Use Your Model: Create a script or interface that takes text input and displays important keywords based on their TF-IDF scores.


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3. Chatbot with Seq2Seq Model

Build a chatbot using a Seq2Seq model, a popular architecture for tasks like machine translation and conversation modeling.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch)
  • Understanding of Seq2Seq models
  • Dataset of conversational data


  1. Get Data: Obtain a dataset of conversational data such as movie scripts or customer support logs.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize, pad, and encode the input sequences and target responses.
  3. Build Model: Implement a Seq2Seq model with an encoder and decoder architecture.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model on the dataset and evaluate its performance using metrics like BLEU score.
  5. Use Your Model: Create an interface for users to interact with the chatbot.


4. Question Answering with DistilBERT

Build a question-answering system using the DistilBERT model, a compressed version of BERT.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks
  • Understanding of the BERT model
  • Dataset of question-answer pairs


  1. Get Data: Obtain a dataset like SQuAD or Natural Questions.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize, pad, and encode the text according to the DistilBERT model requirements.
  3. Build Model: Fine-tune a pre-trained DistilBERT model for the task.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model on the dataset and evaluate its performance using metrics like Exact Match (EM) and F1 scores.
  5. Use Your Model: Integrate the system into an application where users can input questions and receive answers.


5. Keyphrase Extraction from Scientific Articles

Extract keyphrases from scientific articles to summarize documents and understand main topics.


  • Knowledge of Python and NLP libraries
  • Understanding of keyphrase extraction techniques
  • Dataset of scientific articles


  1. Get Data: Obtain a dataset of scientific articles from sources like arXiv.
  2. Prepare Data: Clean the text, tokenize, and preprocess.
  3. Build Model: Implement keyphrase extraction using algorithms like TF-IDF or TextRank.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance.
  5. Use Your Model: Develop a tool that inputs a scientific article and outputs keyphrases.


5 Best Intermediate Level NLP Project Ideas

6. Machine Translation with Transformers

Build a machine translation system using the Transformer architecture.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks
  • Understanding of the Transformer architecture
  • Parallel corpus of text data


  1. Get Data: Obtain a parallel corpus like the WMT corpora.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize, split into subwords, pad, and encode sequences.
  3. Build Model: Implement the Transformer model using libraries like TensorFlow or PyTorch.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance using metrics like BLEU score.
  5. Use Your Model: Integrate the system into an application for text translation.


7. Text Classification with Meta-Learning

Classify text using meta-learning, which aims to design models that adapt quickly to new tasks with limited training data.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks
  • Understanding of meta-learning algorithms


  1. Get Data: Obtain a text classification dataset.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize, encode, and split the data.
  3. Build Model: Implement a meta-learning model.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance.
  5. Use Your Model: Develop a tool to classify text into different categories.

8. Stock Price Prediction Project using TensorFlow

Develop a stock price prediction model using TensorFlow.


  • Knowledge of Python and TensorFlow
  • Understanding of time series analysis
  • Historical stock price data


  1. Get Data: Obtain historical stock price data.
  2. Prepare Data: Clean and preprocess the data.
  3. Build Model: Implement a model like RNNs or LSTMs in TensorFlow.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance using metrics like MSE.
  5. Use Your Model: Integrate the model into a trading platform for stock price predictions.


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9. Intent Recognition using TensorFlow

Build an intent recognition system using TensorFlow to understand user intents in conversational AI systems.


  • Knowledge of Python and TensorFlow
  • Understanding of intent recognition
  • Dataset of labeled utterances


  1. Get Data: Obtain a dataset like the ATIS corpus.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize, pad, and encode the data.
  3. Build Model: Implement an RNN or LSTM model for intent recognition.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance.
  5. Use Your Model: Integrate the system into a chatbot to classify user intents.


10. RESTful API for Similarity Check

Build a RESTful API for checking text similarity.


  • Knowledge of Python and web development frameworks
  • Understanding of text similarity algorithms


  1. Get Data: Obtain a dataset if training a custom model.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize and preprocess the text.
  3. Build Model: Implement text similarity algorithms.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance.
  5. Use Your Model: Develop an API where users can input two texts to get a similarity score.


5 New Advance Level NLP Project Ideas

11. Masked Word Completion with BERT

Create a system to predict masked words in a sentence using BERT.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks
  • Understanding of the BERT model
  • Text dataset for pretraining


  1. Get Data: Obtain a large text dataset.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize and mask words in the text.
  3. Build Model: Fine-tune a BERT model for masked word prediction.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance.
  5. Use Your Model: Develop a tool where users can input sentences with masked words to get predictions.


12. Named Entity Recognition (NER) with SpaCy

Build a Named Entity Recognition (NER) system using SpaCy, a popular NLP library.


  • Knowledge of Python and SpaCy
  • Understanding of NER
  • Annotated dataset of text with named entities


  1. Get Data: Obtain a labeled dataset such as the CoNLL-2003 dataset.
  2. Prepare Data: Clean, tokenize, and annotate the text with named entities.
  3. Build Model: Use SpaCy to train an NER model on the dataset.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance using precision, recall, and F1 score.
  5. Use Your Model: Develop a tool that inputs text and highlights named entities.


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13. Text Summarization with BART

Create a text summarization system using BART, a Transformer model designed for text generation tasks.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks
  • Understanding of text summarization techniques
  • Dataset of documents and their summaries


  1. Get Data: Obtain a dataset like CNN/DailyMail for summarization.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize and preprocess the documents and summaries.
  3. Build Model: Fine-tune a pre-trained BART model for summarization tasks.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance using ROUGE scores.
  5. Use Your Model: Develop a tool where users can input long texts and receive concise summaries.


14. Sentiment Analysis with XLNet

Develop a sentiment analysis system using XLNet, a Transformer model known for its strong performance on NLP tasks.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks
  • Understanding of sentiment analysis
  • Dataset of text labeled with sentiments


  1. Get Data: Obtain a sentiment analysis dataset like IMDB reviews.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize and preprocess the text and labels.
  3. Build Model: Fine-tune a pre-trained XLNet model for sentiment analysis.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance using accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
  5. Use Your Model: Integrate the model into an application to classify text sentiment (positive, negative, neutral).


15. Text Generation with GPT-3

Use GPT-3, a powerful language generation model, to create a text generation system.


  • Access to GPT-3 via OpenAI API
  • Knowledge of Python
  • Understanding of text generation


  1. Get Access: Obtain API access to GPT-3 from OpenAI.
  2. Prepare Data: Collect example prompts to guide the text generation process.
  3. Build Model: Use the API to generate text based on the prompts.
  4. Test Model: Evaluate the generated text for coherence, relevance, and creativity.
  5. Use Your Model: Develop an application for creative writing, chatbots, or content generation.


16. Dialogue Generation with GPT-2

Create a dialogue generation system using GPT-2, a generative pre-trained transformer known for its language modeling capabilities.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks
  • Understanding of dialogue generation
  • A dataset of conversational data


  1. Get Data: Obtain a dataset like the Cornell Movie-Dialogs Corpus.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize and preprocess the dialogue pairs.
  3. Build Model: Fine-tune a pre-trained GPT-2 model for dialogue generation.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance by generating dialogues and using metrics like perplexity.
  5. Use Your Model: Develop a chatbot or integration with a messaging platform to interact with users.


17. Automatic Essay Scoring using BERT

Build an automatic essay scoring system using BERT to evaluate the quality of essays and assign scores based on various criteria.


  • Knowledge of Python and deep learning frameworks
  • Understanding of text classification and regression
  • A dataset of essays with corresponding scores


  1. Get Data: Obtain a dataset like the Automated Student Assessment Prize (ASAP) dataset.
  2. Prepare Data: Tokenize and preprocess the essays and normalize the scores.
  3. Build Model: Fine-tune a pre-trained BERT model for regression to predict essay scores.
  4. Train and Test: Train the model and evaluate its performance using metrics like mean squared error (MSE) or Pearson correlation.
  5. Use Your Model: Create a web application where users can submit essays for scoring.


These additional advanced NLP project ideas encompass a wide range of applications and techniques, from dialogue systems and emotion recognition to text simplification and adversarial defenses. 

Each project provides a deep dive into complex aspects of NLP, offering opportunities to innovate and solve real-world problems using advanced machine learning and NLP techniques.

Wrap Up

This list has lots of ideas for NLP projects. Whether you’re just starting out or have some experience, there’s something here for you. You can try simple things like fixing typos or picking out important words, or you can get more advanced with stuff like making a computer write its own text or having a conversation with it.

These projects are a great way to learn by doing and improve your skills. They’re perfect for students, researchers, or anyone who wants to get better at NLP. So if you’re interested in language technology, these project ideas are a good place to start exploring.


How can you tell if an NLP model is doing well?

To see if an NLP model is doing well, you can look at different things. You might check how often it’s right compared to how often it’s wrong. Or, you can see how well it does at finding all the right answers without missing any. There are also special ways to measure how good it is at specific tasks, like translating languages or making summaries.

Can I learn NLP by myself?

Yes, you can learn NLP on your own. But it’s even better if you follow a course made by experts. They can help clear up any confusion you have, so you can succeed without getting stuck!

What’s a common example of NLP?

Text summarization, translating languages with machines, and sorting tickets are some examples of Natural Language Processing (NLP).

How do you get text ready for an NLP project?

To get text ready for an NLP project, you have to do a few things. First, you clean up the text to make it easier to work with. Then, you break the text into smaller parts called tokens. After that, you might take out common words that don’t add much meaning. Next, you might simplify words to their base form. Finally, you turn the text into numbers so the computer can understand it better.

About the author

Hi, I’m Emmy Williamson! With over 20 years in IT, I’ve enjoyed sharing project ideas and research on my blog to make learning fun and easy.

So, my blogging story started when I met my friend Angelina Robinson. We hit it off and decided to team up. Now, in our 50s, we've made TopExcelTips.com to share what we know with the world. My thing? Making tricky topics simple and exciting.

Come join me on this journey of discovery and learning. Let's see what cool stuff we can find!

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